Thursday, March 10, 2011

Undeserving + the love of Christ

I'm reading about the events leading up to the Crucifixion, found in Mark 14. Here are a couple verses that stood out to me this morning:

"As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying 'Take it, for this is my body.' And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them, and they drank from it. And he said to them, 'This is my blood, which confirms the [new] covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice for many.' ...Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives. On the way, Jesus told them, 'All of you will desert me.' "

Here are my thoughts/processing. I'm not sure how significant the first few words are, "As they were eating," but to me, it was honestly the first time it hit me that the Lord's Supper was not just bread and wine. They were already eating, enjoying each other's fellowship. Jesus incorporated this pivotal and important event into an every day occurrence: a meal. For some reason, that just blows my mind. Jesus was truly a humble servant.

Jesus blessed it and gave thanks to God for it. Prayer before meals can seem like a "to-do list" item or legalistic accomplishment at times. But to be reminded that Jesus, the very human form of the Most High, was aware of the Source of everything, gave thanks to the giver and owner of everything.

This is my body and this is my blood. I am reminded of the requirements set before in the Old Testament. When an offering or sacrifice was to be made, both the body and blood (death) of an animal was required to make the people right with God again. Jesus Ultimate Sacrifice, confirming a new covenant between God and his people that no longer depended on the people's need for a physical sacrifice and offering.

Sacrifice for many, this is a controversial subject, but how clear the Word is here that while yes, God desires to be in a relationship with all that He has created, not all, but many would accept the sacrifice of Jesus as their only way to be made right with God. It's both difficult and beautiful to hear.

Then they sang a hymn...and went to [pray]. How beautiful. After they shared this intimate meal together, taking in the bread and wine as illustrations of God's soon-to-come death, they sang together and went to pray together at the Mount of Olives. I love how community here is centered on worship to God through sacraments.

And while it's hard to end this way, Jesus' prophesy of the disciples deserting Him is a reality of life. We are human and sinful. I think of the words of the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing: "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love." The reality is that our hearts are sinful. Our nature is flawed. Even though we share in such an intimate meal with our Savior, accepting His offering as our ultimate, atoning payment to be made right with God, there is the reality that we will prone to wander. We will desert the One whom was considered 'guilty' on our behalf. The One who lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved. Later on in Mark 14, when Jesus stands before the high priest, and claims, "I Am." To which the crowd responds, "Guilty! ...He deserves to die." Jesus was receiving the undeserving sentence that we deserve. We are guilty. We deserve to die. Yet Jesus, not guilty. Jesus, not deserving to die, stood in our place. Endured the mockery in our place. Died in our place. So that we might share in his death, accepting His as our own. A gift. One in which we will not have to endure.

Blows my mind. He was so undeserving, yet because of His great love for us, while I was still a sinner, deserving of death, not the undeserving gift, Jesus died for me. To make me right with Himself. There was no other way. All other ways lead to death. Deserved punishment. Eternal separation from Him.

I will never understand. Lord, may every day that I have in the land of the living, be a day that I become more aware of my undeserving estate and your undeserving death, in order to make me right. It is only through Your body and blood, that I become deserving to stand before the throne of God above because I am seen as spotless and righteous, solely because Your blood, Your grace, Your love cover me. May I never lose the wonder of the Cross.

"Though the Father sent the Son, the Son came voluntarily. Though He is indeed God, the second person of the Trinity, He took upon Himself our nature and suffered in our place on the cross because of His love for us."

"It isn't enough to know Christ died for sinners; I must believe He died for me. Then as I see more of my sinfulness, I appreciate more the love of Christ as He bore those sins in my place."

I stand amazed in the Presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.
"When we stand amazed at the Savior's love, we find ourselves motivated to live for Him. 'For Christ's love compels us' (2 Corinthians 5:14)....To live no longer for ourselves, but for Him who died for us and was raised again (verse 15).

"Our obedience is closely linked to - in fact is a tangible expression of - our fear and worship of God."

"[Jesus] has come all the way from heaven's glory to live and die for you and me because of His love."

"This is what makes Christ's death so amazing - that this Holy One before whom Isaiah is totally devastated should come and die for sinful men and women who are the very antithesis of his holiness."

-quotes from I Exalt Thee, O God by Jerry Bridges

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