The following is from Jerry Bridge's I Exalt Thee, O God:
"Suppose you had an urgent need for a person-to-person blood transfusion and your best friend happens to have your blood type. He or she would gladly donate, and it would be a routine matter. Suppose, however, that your blood type was extremely rare, and the president of the United States was one of the few people who happened to have it as well. If the president flew on Air Force One to your city and donated blood to you, it would be a nationally newsworthy event.
One person gives you blood and no one notices. Another gives you blood, and it makes the evening news. What's the difference?
The difference is in the dignity of the person's position or office. The dignity and prestige of the presidency sets the second person apart, making his donation of blood to you or me and extraordinary event.
Now take that illustration and apply it to our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He comes in humility, He is in fact no ordinary citizen. His status is something that not even the Roman emperor can match. He's the One who created the universe and sustains it by His powerful word (Hebrews 1:1-3). And He has come all the way from heaven's glory to live and die for you and me because of His love...This is what makes Christ's death so amazing - that this Holy One before whom Isaiah is totally devastated should come and die for sinful men and women who are the very antithesis of holiness."
*Italics, mine.
This floors me. That my heart was so diseased, full of sin, and death bound, that the only One who could save my soul was the very One who exclusively knit me together in my mother's womb. The very One who exclusively spoke creation into being. The very One who is exclusively holy. My heart was so decayed, it was dead, bound for eternal separation from the God who exclusively knew me, loved, me and created me. Yet, while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. Because of His great exclusive love, He endured scorn, mockery, and ultimately death on a cross, to bring me, a sinful, undeserving sinner, into His exclusive presence. Into His exclusive family. He was the only match my heart would take. There was no other way. He isn't just a perfect match. He is my exclusive match. And he gave His blood as an exclusive ransom for many. What exclusive wondrous love is this!
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